Agroturystyka - Kaszuby
       Agritourism Farm     
          Zbychowo, gmina Wejherowo, woj. pomorskie                     
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Księga gości

Polski   English   Deutch   Kaszëbsci

September - MayJune - August
a day of stay
60 PLN/1 person
70 PLN/1 person

Children up to 6 of age - 30 PLN per day


Four person in the quadruple room - 50 PLN/1 person
Accommodation for one day - 70 PLN
Hotel day : from 2.00 p.m. to 11.00 a.m.
On a vast farm area you can find free stopping sites.



breakfast - 20 PLN
dinner - 25 PLN
Children up to 6 : 50% discount

The reservation is confirmed by transferring the advance that equals 30% of the charge for the whole stay.
You can use the Bank account or PayPal account.


Piotr Januszewski
Spacerowa Street, 19
84-206 Zbychowo

ING Bank Śląski
73 1050 1764 1000 0022 8894 2564
The title of the bank transfer : last name and date

PayPal account:

Heartily welcome!


Agroturystyka - Kaszuby

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gdy w Holmy zawitasz progi
Ona Cię ciszą otuli
tu znajdziesz spokój błogi

Haft kaszubski

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