Agroturystyka - Kaszuby
       Agritourism Farm     
          Zbychowo, gmina Wejherowo, woj. pomorskie                     
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Księga gości


Polski   English   Deutch   Kaszëbsci

     The Agritourism Farm is situated in the northern part of Tri City Landscape Park, a picturesque woodland surrounded by numerous lakes and nature reserves. You can go for a walk, cycle, ski on cross-country skis in winter, ride a horse and not far away from Zbychowo you can find golf course and court.
Okolice Leśniczówki Zbychowo Rezerwat przyrody Pełcznica Jezioro Borowo 

     'Holma' also constitutes a perfect place to dash to seaside resorts and nearby Tri City with a rich tourist and cultural offer.

Rynek wejherowski Gdynia - Dar Pomorza Sopot - widok z latarni morskiej
Gdańsk - Żuraw nad Motławą Gdańska Starówka Katedra Oliwska
Why is it worth coming to us:
  • Fishing lovers can enjoy the richness of haul in the lakes and ponds, Mushroom collectors are recommended the expeditions to the nearby forests plentiful of different kinds of mushrooms,
  • There is a bicycle hire on site and the area of the farm is the perfect place for practicing bicycle tourism,
  • Walking and cycle routes enable you to experience the beauty of the surrounding, You can encounter wild game (deer, roe deer, boars, hares and foxes) and rare bird species (wild geese, storks, eagle-owls, black woodpeckers, buzzards, hawks),
  • In summer we offer sunbathing and bathing in the local lakes and expeditions to the nearby seaside resort;
  • We have prepared the playground for children,
  • In the evenings we organize bonfires and grills,
  • You can also laze and rest far away from the noise of the city in peace and quiet, and enjoy the beauty of nature and landscapes.
  • Las Grzybobranie Łąka
    Jezioro Wyspowo Dolina Zagórskiej Strugi Głaz narzutowy

    Agroturystyka - Kaszuby

    Tri City
    Landscape Park

    Calvary of Wejherowo

    Golf course
    "Sierra Golf"

    Zagórska Struga

    Wejherowo route
    Bicycle route
    'Picnic on the lake'

    Region of Zbychowo
    Gdynia Sopot Gdańsk

    L          I          N           K

                 Sołectwo Zbychowo